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Antidiscrimination policy

Tilburg, 30 January 2024

Antidiscrimination policy Knikkers Uitzendwerk

General principle

The policy of Knikkers Uitzendwerk aims to give job-seeking students a fair chance of employment regardless of age, gender, gender identity, marital status, sexual orientation, life, political or religious beliefs, race, ethnic origin, disability, chronic illness or nationality. In recruitment and selection, job seekers are treated equally by being assessed only on job-related criteria.


The aim of this policy is to be clear and transparent towards employees and third parties about:

  1. What the management understands by discrimination/discriminatory requests;
  2. What the management's position is towards discrimination/discriminatory requests;
  3. Acting by employees:
    • What employees are expected to do how they act during their work, especially when working (in support of business activities) around recruitment and selection;
    • Where the employee can go for consultation and/or a report;
  4. Responsibilities of the employer.

Definition of discrimination

Discrimination means making direct and indirect distinctions between persons on the basis of age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, life, political or religious beliefs, race, ethnic origin or nationality.

Discrimination expressly includes responding to requests from clients to make distinctions between persons in recruitment and selection on the basis of criteria that are not necessary or relevant to the proper filling of the position.

Position of the management of Knikkers Uitzendwerk

  1. The management rejects any form of discrimination.
  2. Requests from clients to take certain criteria into account during recruitment and selection are only honoured if there is objective justification.
    • Objective justification exists if selecting on the requested criteria:
      • Serves a legitimate purpose. This means that there is a good - job-related - reason to select on relevant criteria during recruitment and selection (an example of a legitimate purpose is safety);
      • Results in the achievement of the legitimate aim, the means is appropriate to achieve the aim;
        Is in reasonable proportion to the goal, there is proportionality to the goal;
      • Is necessary because there is no other, less discriminatory way to achieve the goal, the necessity criterion is met.
  3. The management does not tolerate discriminatory treatment of employees by third parties. Employees here also include employees who perform work under the management and supervision of a hirer.

Actions by employees

  1. Employees have their own responsibility to be alert to requests from clients of a discriminatory nature, recognise such requests and ensure that they do not cooperate with them.
  2. If the employee doubts whether or not there is objective justification for a client's request to take certain criteria into account during recruitment and selection, or has questions about how to handle a request, the employee can contact the management of Knikkers Uitzendwerk for consultation.
  3. If the employee identifies discrimination and wants to raise it, wants to report abuses or misconduct and/or has a confidentiality issue, the employee can contact the management of Knikkers Uitzendwerk.

Responsibilities of the employer

The management is responsible for:

  1. Creating a safe working environment where people treat each other with respect, there is room for constructive discussion and undesirable behaviour in any form is prevented and dealt with;
  2. The awareness and implementation of this anti-discrimination policy. This includes ensuring that employees are
    • Are informed about and familiar with the policy. This is achieved by making it part of the induction process of new employees and through regular communication and training during employment.
    • Have received proper instructions on how to recognise discrimination and discriminatory requests.
    • Are prepared for the situation when they are confronted with a discriminatory request and know how to conduct and turn the conversation with clients. This is achieved through coaching and training on how to deal with discriminatory requests.
    • The subject is addressed in newsletters, work meetings and internal communication channels, among others.
  3. Evaluation and adjustment of this policy. This takes place annually.

Complaints and reports

For complaints, employees and temporary workers can report to the management or by emailing [email protected]. It is also possible for employees and/or temporary workers to report to one of the employees with whom they feel most familiar. It is also possible to contact us via Instagram and/or Whatsapp.

On behalf of the management,

Charles Dybus, Coen Heeres, Koen van Wijngaarden

Co-owners Knikkers Uitzendwerk